Impress Millennial Colleagues by Using Internet Acronyms in a Business Context

Either you're over 30, or you one day will be. Regardless, you're dying. Defy death by taking modern expressions that all the kids use and using them at work.

TMI: Too Much Information. A common symptom of modern startups that gather any data possible. Example: “Should I give you access to this database with millions of rows of customer information, or is that TMI?”

NSFW: Not Suitable For Workplace. Safety first! Example: “Someone broke a glass here and there's water and shards of glass everywhere... this is absolutely NSFW”

IANAL: Shorthand "I am not a lawyer". More common in online communities. Suggested use: “IANAL but I would suggest you settle this claim against the company for $1M”

TBH: To Be Honest. Always use this lest millenials think you're not being honest. Example: “TBH, I embezzled millions of dollars from customer accounts”

MVP: Most Valuable Player, which is typically someone who knows how to be scrappy. Example: “That guy who built the barebones website that got us our first sales is the real MVP builder”

FWB: Friends With Benefits, who you aspire to be like. Example: "I'm an hourly contractor for now but I have lots of FWBs"